Sweet Smelling Feet

Did you know that according to the Podiatric Medical Association, we walk 75,000 miles (nearly three times around the world) in an average lifetime; that the condition of our feet can dramatically affect our temperament and our sense of humor; that there are over 250,000 sweat glands on the feet;  that the closest thing to foot odor is limburger cheese; that you should always buy your shoes late in the afternoon because your feet swell during the course of the day; that you should leave your shoes out in the sunlight as often as possible to kill bacteria; and that we should spray our feet with an antiperspirant just like we do with our underarms.   

  With all of the above in mind, I decided to pay a little visit the other evening to a very close relative of mine (I’ll call him Pepe, after one of my favorite cartoon characters, Pepe Le Pew).

  “What do you want?” asked Pepe, as I entered his room and found him as I usually do, sitting in front of his computer screen and thumbing away at one of his computer games.

  “I have a little gift for you,” I said.

  “A gift?”

  “That’s right.”

  “What kind of gift?”

  “Well,” I said, “if you’ll take your eyes away from that computer screen for just a few seconds, I’ll toss it over to you.”

  “Okay, in a minute. I’m almost done. Just hold your horses.”

  As I impatiently waited for Pepe to wrap up his computer game I couldn’t help but notice the very same limburger cheese-like odor which always seems to be lingering around in his room, especially in the evening hours.

  “Hey,” I finally said to Pepe, “you know I can’t stay in your room for very  long without a gas mask. Here’s your gift!”

  And with that warning, I tossed a large can of Right Guard spray deodorant (original sport scent) into Pepe’s lap.

  “What’s that for?” immediately asked Pepe. “You know I can’t use that stuff. I’m a roll-on man.”

  “It isn’t for your armpits,” I said.

  “Then what is it for?”

   “It’s for your feet!”

  “My feet?”

  “That’s’ right, your feet. I just learned that if a person sprays deodorant on their feet a couple of times a day, it really cuts down on foot odor.”

  “So, just what are you trying to tell me here?” asked Pepe indignantly. “That I have bad smelling feet?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m trying to tell you!”

  “Hey, my feet don’t smell any worse than anyone else’s,” Pepe assured me. “And no way am I walking around with them smelling like Right Guard!”

  “Just give it a try,” I pleaded.

  “No way!” exclaimed Pepe. “And do you know what I think’s going on right now?”


  “Now that you’re so old, you can’t smell any better than you can see or hear!”

  “Well,” I said, “I can definitely smell good enough to know that your room always reeks!”

  “But that’s got nothing to do with my feet,” Pepe assured me.

  “Then what is this god-awful odor that’s always in here?”

  “Dad, that’s just gas!”


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